Wednesday, September 03, 2008

You butt out first!

I LOVE how the Republicans are pleading with the media to stay out of Governor Sarah Palin's personal business when her personal and political agenda is to be in the bedroom and gynological offices of women and stop choice. So her choice to parent special need children and support her daughters' teenage pregnancy (without explanation of sex education and middle class wages and incomes that couldn't support children) is not our business but stopping others from making parenting choices is hers?

We shouldn't question her role as a mother of 5 and a business woman but she and her followers can criticize and legally block parenting qualities of gay men and women and stop their marriages. Making a promise to appoint potentially 3 Supreme Court Justices to reverse Roe versus Wade puts court in the personal lives of millions of women.

Boy isn't that convenient!
Give me a break!

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