Monday, September 01, 2008

Palin's daughter -- a case against abstinence

The announcement today that the 17 year old daughter of John McCain's pick for VP Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is a poster child for sex education and that the case for abstinence as we all know doesn't work.

I refuse to make a comment on her decision to keep the baby or the family's decision to keep the child. I also believe that Barack's political choice to keep children out of the picture is fine. But we lead by example, as Barack said in his speech. The Palin's living example of keeping children in the wake of difficulty begs a question the McCain campaign candidacy is not addressing. Sex education is more successful than the rhetoric of abstinence.

When women in Pittsburgh, in Detroit, etc. are faced with the same choices, who's providing the top health care, who is providing daycare while the below minimum wage parents must find money when their parents are unavailable emotionally, financially or physically to support the children?

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