Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Alito opposition goes a long way!

This moderate act that everyone knows and sees through simply by Bush appointment is just the beginning. We have a debate going on our side of the aisle about who do we think we can get if we oppose them all ...Al Franken? Thurgood Marshall back from his long winter's nap. . . Ah that he could? Its not like Bush will tire and appoint Al Franken because we knocked down all of his conservative choices. But here's the thing -- this fight is so important that we just have to keep knocking them down. All of our choices suck. But with a history of classism, racism and sexism so pointed an agenda in his past, we have to demand that he doesn't get by just because Americans are getting tired of watching the proceedings.

MoveOn has a great ad going. Watch it and then call your Senator and say I Oppose Alito! Then do it for every racist, classist, right-winged agenda toadie they march down until... until... until....

Here's the ad:

1 comment:

Blue Moon Mama said...

Hey - greetings to another liberal mama!! Your boy is a cutie, and so close in age to mine.

In my heart, I agree with you about Alito. But I admit to feeling resigned about the whole thing. The lawyer in me can't think of a good reason for opposing him, though the liberal mama in me knows he spells disaster for the society we'll leave to our little boys.

In any case, I enjoyed reading your blog. Here's to many more blog posts from us liberal mamas with something to say!!