Sunday, March 04, 2007

I'm training for the June 3rd San Diego marathon and in the spirit of today's LA Marathon I'm putting it out there that I'm on the path. . . literally.

This past weekend we trained up some nasty hills in Simi Valley -- miles 2-4 were straight up hill. . . we had a mile to catch our breath and then sent us up another hill. . . it was a butt burner to say the least...

More than that it started a conversation with myself, an epiphany and then a decision... it goes something like this, "I have done harder things than this. Of course, those were bigger risks in my head not my body. My body is more than just a life support system for my head/ my brain." It was then that I decided that I owed it to myself and my family to stop letting my brain put limits on the capacity of my body. Then an image of someone passing me on this hill in a wheelchair. I can do this, I just decided it. I decided that I owe myself, my loving husband and my beautiful son a long life, an active life and the kind of spirit that knows I can clear that hill. And with that, I got my ass to the top of the hill and ran down and around til I made it to the finish -- 8 miles!

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