Inexperience may be advantage for Obama From Stan Froelich
(Regarding John Fortier’s column, “The secret Obama meeting,” Feb. 28.)
Hey, John, be careful what you think you want;
you may get it.
The inexperienced Obama is truly inexperienced.
JFK, who was also woefully inexperienced, represented a hunger
against the generation of Eisenhower/Nixon and the 1950s to a
new generation of politics that Nixon underestimated
badly. That was Nixon’s election to win, fairly easily — then television
killed him politically.
Republicans want to face Clinton with
all her baggage, but Obama represents an
enigma wrapped in a puzzle they can’t
figure out. Other than his inexperience,
there’s nothing on him. No record, no
nothing. If this country elected Bush with
no international experience and certainly
no real interest beyond Texas, then
Obama may become the Republican
nominee’s worse nightmare. A whole
year is a long time in American politics
and America will get tired of Clinton, and
Rudy, too. And Obama is new and fresh,
and a year or two won’t make him old
news as the world finds out about him.
Something else that’s very important,
too: Republican evangelicals will be destroyed
politically if Rudy gets the nomination.
Then Rudy won’t need them and
they will become irrelevant to a man
whose social values they don’t share.
Rudy is his own man. That’s what most
people hated about him when he was
mayor. It’s also what makes him an attractive
presidential candidate.
As president, Rudy could appoint as
many [judicial] conservatives as he
wants, but they will be more like Justice
Kennedy or Justice Souter. If Rudy gets
elected there’s a good chance that evangelicals
will be in the political wilderness
for eight years.
Again: Watch out, evangelical conservatives;
be careful of what you think is conservative.
Rudy will discard you like an
old shoe.
- New York City
Original article can be found here